Labour's Manifesto

Labour launched its manifesto last Monday. I've skimmed it once, and it's not what we've come to expect. This is a focused plan to change the relations of power in our society, looking at how to make work pay, in a sustainable economy and leave the country and world a better place for our children.

  1. Using software well, the Labour Party lets you customise it to your area and interests. It written in themes that grow from the policy development process, and the promises are gathered at the end of each section. The promise to change power starts in the world of work and each section reinforces that promise.
  2. The raw complete manifesto is here.
  3. What Ed said when launching the manifesto, the tag line is, "We believe that Britain only succeeds when working families succeed" ; not said so overtly, but the obverse is that just because it's working for the few, be they rent takers, landlords, entrepreneurs or press barons doesn't mean its working for everyone, in fact it's a proof point that it isn't. NB A leader of the Labour Party said that, although his words are better than mine. Watch the video to see what he said.
  4. Ed Miliband launching Labour's Manifesto
  5. Sunny Hundal in Labour List wrote an article which confirmed what I thought, that despite its occasional disappointment, this may be the most radical Labour Manifesto for a generation
  6. As well as the speeches made since the short campaign started, Ed Miliband wrote in a letter, last month, and he said, "I believe that we have a duty to leave the world a better place than we found it - that we cannot shrug our shoulders at injustice. and that we can overcome terrible odds by working together."

  7. From the launch speech, (see above) I also like the line that Cameron strongly stands against the weak, and also does the opposite.

  8. Also in his speech Miliband points out that the NHS needs staff, which will be provided, i.e. Labour's promise is about service and Labour will prohibit profit in the NHS and repeal the Tory's Health and Social Care bill which is also their legal platform for privatisation. No wonder the Tories offer to fund increases in the NHS; it'll go straight into the pockets of the privateers and finance houses.

  9. Some who abandoned Labour over the war in Iraq might want to see what Ed says, the lessons have been learned. We'll not act alone again.
  10. And I have created a bullet list version,
  11. For those for whom @UK_Labour #manifesto is too long, a short version with the intro, summary & the bullet points.