About ITV

I have been catching up on my reading over the last few days and was browsing the March copy of Management Today, in which Chris Allen, the CEO of ITV was interviewed. In the interview he boasted that ITV2 is now the most watched digital channel in the UK, eclipsing Sky One. Its an illustration that something other than channel is important. …

Capitalism, Communism & Monopoly

Jonathan’s Blog article “Scare Tactics in the World of Open Source” seems to imply Microsoft use the allegation of Communism as a massive insult. I understand that this isn’t unusual in the US. Probably best not ask which is a worse insult, Communist or Monopolist; only one of these activities is defended by the 1st Amendment. …

Education, education

We were watching University Challenge the other week when the picture question came up and our younger son answered all three correctly identifying a war-hammer, a halberd and a morning-star/flail. Our good opinion of his diligence at history studies fell rapidly when he told us he knew because of the hours on the computer playing “Diablo”. …