The Hitchhiker's Guide to Economics
Another initiative arising from Labour's new left is the #PeoplesPPE which held a conference/symposium called "The Hitchhiker's Guide to Economics" with Yanis Varofakis, Mufti Abdur Rahman, & Anne Pettifor. The speakers had 15 minutes each and the remainder of the session was a Q&A.
- Varofakis was to speak on the debtor's banquet, Pettifor on conflict of interest and Rahman on virtue-nomics and ethical money. Varofakis was the Syrizia Minster of Finance in Greece, Pettifor is the Principal of PRIME and previously a member of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee and Mufti Rahman a local respected islamic teacher and campaigner.
- The session ended with questions and answers on Council Cuts, with a speaker from the floor demanding that Hackney council set a zero cuts budget.
- "No-one goes and demonstrates outside HSBC's door. They protest outside Hackney Council" @AnnPettifor #PeoplesPPE
- Local authorities are essentially forced to be Osborne's austerity enforcers #peoplesppe
- Pettifor: Tories have shifted debate away from the City to public sector: we've played the game & City can't believe its luck #PeoplesPPE
- A highpoint in the afternoon, was Yanis reminding us,
- Yanis: "Democracy was never given to us. We grabbed it as a result of decades of struggle" #peoplesppe pic.twitter.com/rtQ1hornpn
- re Banks and Debt
- #peoplesppe @yanisvaroufakis debt is to capitalism what hell is to Christianity. Unpleasant but necessary!
- "Osborne knows very little about economics. He's the most political Chancellor we've ever had" @AnnPettifor #peoplesppe Hitchhiker's Guide
- Goerge Osborne doesn’t understanding economics but he understands politics - @AnnPettifor #peoplesPPE
- On nationalising the banks,
- We have to go further than nationalising banks as they are highly interconnected international institutions says @AnnPettifor #peoplesppe
- Of 24 G-SIBs (banks), five are UK based, and two of which are nationalised #peoplesppe
- "Why did I not talk about taking over the banks [earlier]? Because I didn't have time." @AnnPettifor #PeoplesPPE
- #peoplesppe @yanisvaroufakis the British must reclaim democracy by staying in the EU and challenging it pic.twitter.com/qScFGWpz06
- It starts with Banks and Debt
- "I learnt humanity on the picket lines at wapping" Yannis Varoufakis #peoplesppe pic.twitter.com/gLOxfRpyB9
- In islam economics should promote humanitarian goals...not a method to make money for a few @MuftiARM #PeoplesPPE pic.twitter.com/nrcPhEdi7Q
- Very interesting hearing from @MuftiARM speak about the practical challenges facing Islamic (no interest/riba) finance at #peoplesppe
- Islamic banking is stakeholder banking @AnnPettifor #peoplesppe
- Wonderful audience listening to Yannis Varoufakis at #PeoplesPPE Round Church Hackney.. pic.twitter.com/yG7Xe66isv
- "We have to tackle international capital mobility" @AnnPettifor #peoplesppe
- "I blame the economics profession - no one is taught to understanding banking, credit & debt" @AnnPettifor #peoplesppe Hitchhiker's Guide.
- Ann Pettifor talks of Bretton Woods and the Golden Age of Economics, which I summarise in two tweets, the first points out that Bankers were excluded and the second summarises the outcomes.
- No speculation, Interest rates are policy outcomes, fx is regulated #peoplesppe #brettonwoods
- No bankers at #brettonwoods #peoplesppe
- Anne Pettifor compares Yannis Varoufakis to Roosevelt: "a politician with spine". #peoplesppe pic.twitter.com/lyIBtkbqJ7
- Ann Pettifor #peoplesppe berates manufactured ignorance, I.e lack of understanding of debt
- Amazing turnout at Round Chapel #peoplesppe pic.twitter.com/NMyhR0mfln
- The meeting was held at the rather amazing Round Chapel in Hackney.