Vicky Foxcroft/Labour for Deptford

Deptford Labour Party launched its campaign for the General Election with a mass canvas and evening meeting, which was addressed by Councillor Paul Bell and the Party's candidate, Vicky Foxcroft.

  1. You can join in easily, go to Deptford Labour's web site and volunteer
  2. Or contact Vicky or Will Cooper with Twitter
  3. Fantastic @vickyfoxcroft Campaign Launch speech. It has well & truly been launched. Great ntro by @PaulBell1971
  4. Had a great time launching my election campaign at @newxlearning. 39 days to go! Get in rich if you want to help out
    Had a great time launching my election campaign at @newxlearning. 39 days to go! Get in rich if you want to help out
  5. Thrilled to be at campaign launch for @vickyfoxcroft who is going to be a fantastic new MP for Lewisham Deptford 
  6. Honoured to introduce the fabulous @vickyfoxcroft at Lewisham Deptford Launch. A brilliant evening of great Labour activists. #labourmustwin
  7. Labour all over Lewisham Deptford today and then a great adoption meeting tonight for @vickyfoxcroft "@lewishamlabour @PaulBell1971
  8. Campaigning for @vickyfoxcroft  in Lewisham Central today “@JeffreyStella: At the top of Mount Pleasant”
    Campaigning for @vickyfoxcroft in Lewisham Central today “@JeffreyStella: At the top of Mount Pleasant
  9. Over 9 teams out today in Lewisham Deptford, with 70 volunteers. Will we have a Labour Government on May 8th? #Hellyes
  10. 70 out in Deptford today for @vickyfoxcroft's campaign launch. Out tomorrow supporting @coyleneil in Bermondsey. Meet 11 & 2 at Canada Water