Will they accept the mandate?
As the odds on a Corbyn victory shorten the cacophony around legitimacy grows.
- Eunice Goes details the New Labour leadership's refusal to accept Ed M's mandate and the serial treachery of the internal resistance from 2010-15.
- Even if he wins, Jeremy Corbyn will never be able to lead the Labour PartyJeremy Corbyn is the unlikely favourite for the Labour leadership, with leadership election rule changes and an influx of new members and supporters fuelling
- This is syndicated at Think Left, which also documents the route to the open/closed primary and the changing politics of the Left in Britain.
- What the Labour establishment didn't really want us to knowFirst and foremost... what an unmitigated mess they're making of the leadership contest... the LP elite have certainly shown us their 'petticoats'. Significantly, the proverbial tide has gone out, revealing their implicit attitudes and assumptions ... and amazingly, we've seen New Labour hoist by its own petard. How has New Labour been hoisted?
- and I document the final throw of the dice that meant the end of Miliband journey to the Left at the June 2014 NPF.
- The gestation of a manifestoLabour's 2014 National Policy Forum took place the weekend of the 20th July. Its role is to agree a programme document which will be put to Conference in September. From this will be drawn the manifesto, and the pledge cards. This'll be the last NPF before the election.