Trot Hunting

Good Grief! We might have noticed 350,000 trotskyists over the last 20 years.

  1. They're not frightened of Jeremy Corbyn, they're frightened of us!

  2. David Graeber, an intellectual giant of the left supports Jeremy & Momentum's project
  3. Chunky Mark, with atypical eloquence, there's not enough swearing for me.
  4. They are not scared of Jeremy Corbyn
  5. Peter Kilfoyle, the founder of Labour First, surprises us all with a very calm view of Momentum and the supposed Entryism threat.
  6. Ellie Mae Hagen decides to undertake some journalistic investigatio and goes to meet these Trotskyist infiltrators, and can't find any.
  7. Tom Watson decides they're an existential threat; rather than the crisis in Social Democracy
  8. And it goes on ....
  9. We'll leave the last words with Mark Steel; we might have noticed 350,000 trotskyists over the last 20 years.
  10. The Russian Revolution, allegedly started here,
  11. This picture was found at