We're all in this together!
Oh Non Dom we're not! Miliband announces that a Labour Government will abolish so called #non-dom #tax relief and the Tories defend the rights of ultra rich to avoid paying their fair tax share. #ge2015. The story spirals out of the Tory's control, becomes more about tax avoidance by the rich.
- Does this, the failure to take the #HSBCSuisse affair seriously, the repeated failure to agree not to reduce the supertax liability all mean that #taxjustice is becoming the issue and one that Labour wins on.
- The New Statesman argues its a statement of intent about British society
- Leader: Labour's non-dom initiative is a statement about the kind of country Britain wants to bePerhaps the most egregious anomaly of the UK tax system is the non-domicile rule, under which wealthy individuals who are long-time residents in Britain, or even British citizens, can avoid paying tax on their overseas earnings.
- Osborne and the Tories continue to argue that it's necessary and somehow beneficial to us all.
- Left Foot Forward looks at the Tory and the press response, gives it more credit than its worth and explores the immense wealth being protected by these laws.
- Tory press side with the rich over Labour's 'war on non-doms'Bogus fears of rich people fleeing the country reveal the newspapers' class allegiances While the Conservative party, via the blimpish figure of defence secretary Michael Fallon, aims its guns at Labour's ( actually settled) position on Trident, the Tory press has mobilised its heavy weapons against Labour's pledge to tax non-domiciles if elected in May.
- The New Statesman agrees and points out the it would have been easy for the Tories to side step this fight,
- The Tories decision to oppose Labour's non-dom tax move is a serious errorNot since Ed Miliband pledged to freeze energy prices in his 2013 Labour conference speech have the Tories been as bamboozled by a policy as they have by his promise to abolish non-dom tax status.
- Richard Murphy points out that the proposal is popular,
- The public like the idea of abolishing the non-dom ruleAccording to politics.co.uk: Reading the reaction in the press over the past 24 hours to Labour's commitment to scrap the non-dom tax status, you might have assumed it was hugely unpopular. But in fact: According to the snap FirstVerdict poll, 77% of people support removing the non-com tax break on wealthy UK residents,...
- The FT identifies fairness as the key issue,
- The madness of King George III’s #nondom tax system - http://FT.com http://on.ft.com/1DqgEcJ via @FT #cofog0112UK #cofog0112 #SDG16
- There are plenty of beneficiaries of the non-dom loophole, but really?
- http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/until-lynton-crosby-answers-these-questions-on-his-tax-affairs-david-cameron-has-zero-credibility-on-tax-avoidance-10167369.html …. Margaret Hodge rightly raises points re Crosby's tax status, and #Cameron complicity. #nondom #lynton #VoteLabour
- possibly the key part of the story, the Tories try to spin this as an attack on wealth creators and fail to the extent that their chief electioneer can't repeat his lines.
- The pressure grows during the day
- The current application of #NonDom status is abusive and unfair #edmiliband is quite right to curtail the abuse! #taxjustice #Fairness
- Devastating writing by Simon Jenkins, starting with the unfairness and the greed, then talking about the power of those who benefit and the global complicity of the political elite
- The Tories must stamp on the leech of non-dom status before Labour beats them to it | Simon JenkinsThe Tories should nip this one in the bud. It does not matter what Ed Balls said a few months ago about taxation of "non-doms", apparently ridiculing what Ed Miliband now supports. Balls was wrong and Miliband is right, and George Osborne should now agree.
- here's the words,
- and the full text of the speech
- The Fabric of Our Country - Speech by Ed MilibandEd Miliband, Leader of the Labour Party, in a speech at the University of Warwick, said:***CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY***It is great to be at Warwick Manufacturing Group.This is a place where you invent things, make things, train our young people and help our businesses to succeed.This is in the great traditions