From the Archives

  • Dynamic Styles in HTML

    Dynamic Styles in HTML

    I was working with Stylish and came across and article that <DIV> tags should be avoided. Stylish uses IDs and CLASSes to change the look & feel Why avoid these elements? A …
  • America’s Cup 2023-24

    America’s Cup 2023-24

    The timeline and venue’s have been announced, they have also have a web site; Team Inneos, the UK boat is the challenger of record.
  • A British Bill of Rights

    A British Bill of Rights

    The Govt. are finally consulting on the Human Rights Act. The closing date is 8th March 2022 11:59. Here are my notes The first page or two detail the questions from the …
  • Windows Networking 2009

    Windows Networking 2009

    This snip is about fixing the Vista/XP networking interoperability problems, and now Windows 8. I have renamed the article Windows Networking. I renamed it Windows 2009 in 2019, as I needed to …
  • Streaming TV at home (ROKU)

    Streaming TV at home (ROKU)

    I bought a ROKU stick, it’s pretty easy to start and make to work. It’s not clear from the web site, but you must open an account on their web site, agree …
  • WordPress plugins

    WordPress plugins

    A couple I found or had recommended to me
  • Fedora 24

    Fedora 24

    This is quite different, in particular the System V init files don’t work any more and so I need to implement a systemd solution to mount the virtual box shared folders. I …