The last couple of days have seen the Labour government sink into the sewer on immigration and racism in an attempt to “triangulate” on reform. Here my recent notes and links including a call to action …
Read moreOn the AI Action Summit
We opened considering the AI Action Summit, Here are some notes and links, …
Read moreOn over consumption
At a conference I attended, Ann Pettifor argued that the world was undergoing a crisis of under consumption. It makes sense, so I had a look at what she says/said. Here some noted and links …
Read moreSwitches
Technology moves on … I need one or two more switches for the house.
Read moreSmoke Detectors
I have Ei141 installed, they need to be replaced with Ei146e which, according to google bard claims to have the same base plate configuration.
Read moreThe Media and election interference
Some notes and links on regulating the media and election interference …
Read moreOn USB-C
Why is this such a faff? I have bought an HP with USB charging? It comes with a f’ing huge transformer, well not huge I used to have a model railway set. I want to use it with continental plugs; I bought a cheapish 65w USB plug, with a swiss connector i.e. type C which…
Read moreLighting my house/flat
I need to record some facts about my lighting in my current flat. Annoyingly I have the need for 5 bulb types.
Read moreAbout the Sahra Wagenknect Alliance
There is an election coming up in Germany, and both the Free Democrats and die Linke are polling at under 5%, which means they’re out. The BSW is seen as Left Populist, with a lot of focus being put on their position on immigration. This article i.e. mine, starts with a look at an interview…
Read moreWhat’s happening to the UK-EU Parliamentary Partnership Assembly
Does anyone know the status of the appointment of the UK-EU Parliamentary Partnership Assembly?
Read moreEmployment Rights Bill
Labour’s New Deal for workers, instantiated as the Employment Rights Bill crawls towards the law.
Read moreFreemium on WordPress
And now I want to build a freemium site for someone else, here are my links and notes …
Read morePower Sockets & Plugs
I need to get on top of this. I need a power lead for my new laptop No 5, which I plan to travel with.
Read moreSearch Engine Optimisation
I need to brush up on SEO (Search Engine Optimisation. Here are my notes and links. NB this is not yet state of the art and will currently save you about 5 minutes …
Read moreSDR 2024/25
There is to be another Strategic Defence Review, its being going for a while just showing that all new governments need one; and I am of the view that it is clear that the Tories left the Armed Forces in a very poor position. Here as ever are my links and notes …
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