I was sent this, an essay/review of Marini’s “Dialectics of Dependency” by Andy Higgenbottom. I find it a tough read and one that requires a solid understanding of Capital, the Labour Theory of Value and surplus value, which I don’t have. Frankly this needs a reread, but I highlighted these, see below, notes for my…
Read moreThe Greens in London
Someone suggested that Lewisham Deptford was the Green’s No 1. Target at the next general election. It surprises me, but I had a look at the last London Assembly Party votes by ward across London. Darker green is the stronger support. This chart shows green votes by ward, and the darkest colour signifies between 800…
Read moreTwitter’s Algo
Twitter have published their scoring algo. It has been summarised by Akash Gupta on twitter, which I have gathered into a threadreaderapp page, I’ll make some notes when I get round to it. I have noticed that the ‘for you’ feed has become less interesting and usefully provoking and some shit is leaking in.
Read moreDominion vs. Fox
The issues being dealt with in the Fox vs Dominion court case are global; does the press have the right to lie? Apart from this, Fox News’ defence tactics, as was the case under Leveson Inquiry are questionable. I made a blog, here are some links. …
Read moreThe Metaverse
So what’s this, a buzzword or a new basic technology. Who knows? Below/overleaf are my notes and links. Enjoy!
Read morePixabay’s Content licence
The featured image comes from pixabay and is credited to Heike Baerbel. It has been shrunk. It’s use is controlled by the Pixabay Content licence. … This seems to be aimed at ensuring that pictures in the database are not used to earn an income. The wording on this restriction was unclear to me, and so…
Read moreWuppertal
It has a suspended railway, a zoo and other things to do. It can reached by train, from Koln or Berlin.
Read morePolitical postcodes
How to get an MP name from a post code? I fancy doing this, Obviously “they work for you” have this? Could I write a script or copy their code? I had a look and on first review their database is obfuscated. Can I build my own and how and where to host it? I…
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