Haiku OS

Someone pointed me at this and I thought why not? I decided to have a go at installing it under Virtual Box. Here are my notes and links …

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Database Generators

It’s project time again. I need to build an application. It needs a database, and writing the procedural code in SQL is easier for me. So step one is to find an ERD/generator. Here are my notes …

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A home messaging server

I am looking for a wintel messaging server for games, first call being for Call of Duty II, I think. I am looking for a mini/compact if possible. This is an unfinished project and here are my notes.

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Netsurf, installing it.

I felt I needed a smaller faster browser for my Ubuntu virtual machine. So on the advice of doctor Google I found this page which mentioned seven.

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Python web apps

On coming home from Campaign Day’s Hacker day, I set myself a few tasks. If I am to continue with the small lottery system, and even if seeking to improve the NH’s donation inspector, it might be best to implement them as a python web app, if only because I can use pickle to avoid…

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Hugo Introduction theme No 2

More adventures on the PI, I have lost my Hugo Markup for dlf.ddns.net; fortunately it is not a big site. There are no automatic reverse engineering tools and so I’ll have to do it the long way round. So this is version 4. I have a page called Hugo on this site. Version 4 I…

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About keyboards

About keyboards, been buying laptops recently but i have a bluetooth keyboard for my tablet and am considering getting a new phone and a smaller one might be cool.

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Enshittification and Apple

This is a note, I might convert it into an essay. What’s the difference, I write the notes for me, I write essays for at least one other person. I am not sure this is finished, but as it stands, a bit of Corey Doctorow, and a bit of me. Corey Doctorow has turned his…

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A gaming laptop

Shall I get a gaming laptop? Yes, I know I want to and my experience of playing BG3 on my working machine, was poor.

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Data Protection and Digital Information (No. 2) Bill

It seems that GoNads screwed up the Tories first attempt to amend the 2018 Data Protection Act which implemented the GDPR in the UK. The current data regulation regime has earned the UK an adequacy ruling from the EU commission. This page documents my thoughts on this current attempt to amend the law.

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