I did promise when I started blogging that I wouldn’t do food and recipes, but my life has changed and I am about to cook a xmas dinner, again, here are my notes so I wont have to look them up next year; mostly timings!. …
Read moreCompilers & Interpreters
While writing up my notes on Static Page Generators, I was reminded of an IT course I did in the early ’80s. The course, SSADM at the Civil Service College included a session on presentation skills during which one of my fellow students presented on the difference between compilers & interpreters. He used a hand…
Read moreVisualising electoral data again
Obviously with the results of the general election announced my mind turns to analysis and visualisation. I had/have been looking at this for a while, and here are my notes. Actually this is an index entry as much of what I had found is catalogued in the two related posts below/overleaf. …
Read moreStatic page web sites
I came across a video that suggested using google drive as a web hosting solution. This seemed quite a neat idea. I need to examine if I lose anything by not having a web server in-front of it, probably not; there is one which is run and configured by Google. It would however require a…
Read moreMexico
Mexico has a sad and long history, having finished Class Wargames, I am looking to pick up, “Mexico, a brief history”. Here are my other notes & links …
Read moreHero Wars
Originally attracted by the dungeon puzzles, I became hooked. A fantasy setting … complex character management mechanics. But I became bored with it; there’s insufficient agency in levelling up, and/or even party membership selection. I gave up with this. I have kept my links & notes online …
Read moreScuttle and tagging
Having found my old delicious list, I thought I might see how useful it remains. The tags are not visible and so I would need a tool and my mind turned to Scuttle, which I have used before. As ever, here are some notes …
Read moreRaspberry Pi and LVM
My NAS Box Fan has failed, I need to decide to repair or replace. One obvious answer is to use my “Pi” to serve out a pair of mirrored USB connected disks. How to do that on a PI? Here are my notes …
Read moreGrowth and Income
I was having another look at the macro-economics of the country. I was looking at growth (δY) and income distribution ( 1 -L(Y) ). I have built some growth charts but have run out time for the moment on income distribution, partly because the stats aren’t saying what I’d hoped. Perhaps ONS don’t measure this…
Read moreClass Wargames & the ECW
I have been/am still reading Richard Barbrook’s book, “Class Wargames”. Among its many fascinating themes is his study of the collapse of democratic military forces into dictatorship.He name checks Napoleon, Toussaint Louverture & the Russian Revolution. I wonder why he didn’t start earlier with the English Civil War, it would seem to me to be…
Read moreLP Conference: Delegate & Member power
As a result of arguements about the representative nature of hand votes within the CLP college at LP Conference, I did some sums and a chart. Here are my notes.
Read moreCriminality and the Referendum
The story of the criminal cheating on the Vote Leave campaign is long and complex, and there seems to be a ground rush effect as the election approaches. The issues are breach of personal privacy laws, over spending, covering up the overspending. It is possible that there have been breaches of the transparency rules, and…
Read moreConsitituencies: Leave or Remain
One of the most important issues in the 2019 general elections will be Brexit; that’ why its been called. Polls are proving inaccurate so the only data we have is the 2016 Referendum which was counted and results released at Local Authority level. I am deeply interested in knowing how consitiuencies votes and I am…
Read moreACAS
Still going strong; publishes advice and delegated legislation statements. Here are my notes …
Read moreMultiple Choice Voting systems
So as the rerun of the referendum becomes more likely, some people are considering a multiple choice; the problem is how to weight and count the votes. It interests me that instant run off is people’s first port of call, and I have some links that refer to it. On first site, the problem is…
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