Here we have the site tag cloud, and page list please use this, or the archive/a-z page to find content.

Tag Cloud!

ADD Admin android apache apple art AWS Baldur's Gate BG2 bioware blogging brexit BT business chat cloud community copyright css culture data protection defence Dell democracy deprecated dns dungeons & dragons economics education elementary OS employee protection employment law Europe european union europeanunion excel FRPG gadget Games gdpr germany google History Homehub housing howto html human rights I.T. images immigration install international trade internet javascript labour Labour Party labour rules laptop law lewisham Life & Death linkrolls Linux local government london MacOS macroeconomics messaging microsoft mobile phone mod modding Networking neverwinter nights NWN NWN2 open source planning plugin political theory politics postbrexitdeal privacy programming python raspberry pi raspbian rss scripting search security snipsnap social media social networks software spain storage tcl/tk Technology themes trade union travel twitter ubuntu UK video Virtual Box Virtualisation W7 w8 w10 walkthrough webdesign windows windows 10 wordpress www xml XP

Over the winter of 2018/2019 as some of the older content became more visible through the new “Related Post” plugin, I introduced a tag, ‘deprecated’. Unfortunately you can’t use the NOT operator in a tag query on wordpress.

This site has the following pages,


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