Border checks, finally

On the 30th April 2024, the UK introduced physical inspection for imported goods from the EU. This has been delayed five times due to an unpreparedness of the agencies and a fear of the economic consequences with price rises and shortages predicted. The EU have been conducting these checks since 1st Jan 2021. There is…

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Brexit and GDP

This isn’t going well. “The Office for Budget Responsibility on Wednesday said its long-running prediction is “broadly on track” to show a 15% fall in trade and a 4% reduction in the UK economy’s potential productivity compared to if the UK had stayed in the EU”. Here are some notes and links …

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London, Sadiq Khan & Brexit

Sadiq Kahn, the Mayor of London commissioned and released a report on the impact of Brexit on London. conducted by Cambridge Econometrics. This report was discussed at the London Assembly Economy Committee; I am trying to get the minutes or better the video recording. The Mayor issued a press release, on the report, entitled, New…

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Booze, weights and measures

The government have been consulting on weights and measures; to their chagrin the vast majority of those consulted want to keep grams and metres but they have decided to allow wine to be sold in pints, a measure enjoyed by Churchill.

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Von der Leyen again

Ursula von der Leyen made a speech in which she said the EU had goofed up over Brexit. I have a number of articles collected in response to this speech, which I will add to this page at a later stage. But today I have reproduced an article entitled “Goofy” from EuroIntelligence, because it is…

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Sailing the High Seas, reforming and enlarging the EU

For reasons, I made a wiki page, called Labour’s Turning Point, which looked at matters in the Labour Party on the topic of the European Union following Starmer’s speech/interview in Montreal in Sept 23. I argued that , it needs to be seen in the context of the EU’s consideration of its own reform which…

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Labour’s turning point?

Over the second half of September, a couple of things happened with respect to the Labour Party’s position on relations with the EU. I want to write something punchy, and made this page to collect my sources and shape m thoughts. This may not be easy to read because it as yet has no narrative….

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What about the Euro?

Should we campaign to rejoin the Euro? In my blog article, Say no to extrawürst, I look at Niall Ò Conghaile’s arguments on EU re-entry terms and dovetail them with my realisation that the UK’s previous unique deal and its opt-outs are gone. I have felt there is room for a deal on the Euro…

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Labour’s coming manifesto 2023

Originally created to help understand the NPF process in 2023, the process culminated in the 2024 manifesto. Labour published its draft National Policy Forum report, I was told on the 9th May 2023. The Labour Party URL for the report is here, on the Labour Party’s main site and behind the members’ ID wall; I…

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Brexit and Parliament

I came across this launch review for by Russel and James’ “The parliamentary battle over Brexit“. I have highlighted the following quotes from article, …

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A bonfire of worker’s rights

Not content with making it impossible to “go and live there” if we don’t like Brexit, the Tories are planning to repeal all the EU derived legislation. The Bill is called the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill 2022-23. It is understood to threaten most already inadequate worker’s rights including holiday pay, working hours…

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Anti-Brexit websites

I was considering the effectiveness of Brexit Spotlight and it was suggested I look at it’s pseudo-competitors. Here are my notes …

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Port of London

I was looking up some stats on the Port of London, the UK’s biggest port beating Grimsby & Hull, but only just. This was to help me write some stuff on the FTCA and London. Here are my links and notes …

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