There seems to be a common fault with W8.x, it generates memory warnings well before any reasonable memory usage. “Close Programs to Prevent Information Loss” The error message has a bunch of google references. I have put up a thread at The first suggestion was to check that paging is on and that the…
Read moreRendering RSS on my blog or wiki
I have for a long time sought to present rss feeds within pages on this blog. It was started by a desire to use my social bookmark service as additional links in some of the reference articles on this wiki. The page was started in Jun 2014. Here my notes, although this page was subject…
Read moreMusings on O356
So work is pushing me to Office 365; it wouldn’t surprise me if the next home system does so too. I have decided to see if W7 and a more modern hardware makes OWA easier to use. Since tese comments are contemporaneous with W7, I have marked it deprecated…
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