The web widget has moved to the Flickr Badge site. It looks like this….
Read moreUK Budget 2014 (deprecated)
This was an article about sources; conclusions and polemic are on the linked blog articles, see below/overleaf. The sources were documented in delicious and are now no longer available.
Read moreAnnuities, a note on price theory
While researching my articles on the UK 2014 budget, I wanted to write a quick note on Annuity prices, yields and interest rates, I came across nothing easy to find or understand. There is a companion wiki article on the UK 2014 Budget. This was created in 2014 and amended in 2023, when the notes…
Read moreLog Rotate and *NIX
This has changed since my days at Pyramid. There has been quite a lot of thinking and engineering about dealing with daemon logs. The places to look are via the syslogd, newsyslog project, you can see a the newsyslog man pages and using the keyword “rotate log”. The idea is that logs are rotated, although…
Read moreScripting on the Mac
It’s UNIX, how hard can it be? I want to run some Macports uodate scripts regularly. To me the obvious programming language is bash, but I got excited and decided I want to notify that the script had run, and run OK. There are two schemes, Growl and OSX Notification system. These both have language…
Read moreWordPress and robots.txt
WordPress has a virtual robots.txt file; best not to muck around with the filesystem. There are a bunch of plugins to allow you to edit the robots.txt.
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