Last week, the JURE committee of the European Voted to approve the current draft of the EU Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market this includes proposals to implement a link tax and that ISSPs must implement something akin to Google’s Content ID, to defend copyright from whatever. These are now it seems called upload filters….
Read moreIUSY 77
I attended the IUSY 77 Congress in Stuttgart, as part of the Labour Students delegation and stayed for the summer camp. I still remember some of the fabulous conversations I had and the amazing campaigning comrades that I met from the (West) German JUSOS and other parties across the world. Were you there? Do you…
Read moreNetiquette
As everyone, I am on email/chat groups which need to be reminded of good behaviour; I was reminded of the early usenet rules of etiquette. These seem hard to find but I tried and came across these two articles. I also include some words written by a friend.
Read moreWordPress 301 Redirects
I am looking to 301 my old site. This would seem to be complicated by the need to transform the permalinks from ./YYYY/MM/DD/slug into ./slug. Here are my notes, …
Read moreThe UK in nations and regions
A map of the UK using the HTML5 Maps Plugin.
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