
I have taken to wasting my time with Sim City on my phone,called SCBuildIt. It’s reminiscent of Sim City, that and warcraft. Here are some guidelines.

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Cairo Clock

I fancied a desktop clock for my elementary builds. I found cairo-clock, which has a bunch of default themes and a bunch of add-ons also. It can be obtained via the package managers; I found this, as the package documentation. 

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Unicode in Python

It’s a very long time since I have had to deal with binary code translations, but when dealing with HTML and JSON with Python, I need to get to grips with it. The € symbol for instance requires the extended character set support and rss should be written in utf-8. This page collects the notes…

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Web Site Testing with MaxQ

MAXQ is a web proxy with recording and replay features. It is designed to capture and replay tests. They are quite keen that one understands the terms of use of target sites since many prohibit automated access and these days it would seem defend themselves against it.  This article documents how to run MaxQ and…

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Banking Regulation Reform

I was pushed to look at some of the Banking Regulation reform performed by the last government. My focus was to look at the Vickers aka Independent Commission on Banking and the legislative response. The key proposal is practical measures to protect domestic savings from foreign risk by de-merging or separating the retail and investment…

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