Playing the Battle of Actium

The battle that set the next 200 years of history, a sea battle of the coast of Greece in 31 BC. Are there any games that allow it to be recreated. It is most famous as a naval battle, but there may have been a land engagement. Famously Anthony & Cleopatra ran away/strategically retreated.

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Forge of Empires

I had another go at a city builder game. I have stopped playing Rise of Empires, here are my notes and links for Forge of Empires. …

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Games in 2024

Class Wargames decided to play W40K which set me thinking. About boardgames and DnD again. Boardgames The W40K stuff took me towards the Battle of Actium. I found two games on Board Game Geek, and added them to my collection. One has probably gone, the other, Trireme seems available on the market, although the rules…

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BG3; modding the game.

In the tradition of these games, Larian have published sufficient to allow mods to be written. Here are my notes and links, with my view of “how to” and some links to several “how to” videos. The original page focused on the 3rd Party and unofficial “BG3Mod Manager”. This article may have been rendered pretty…

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Playing with Shadowheart in BG3

I am traveling with Shadowheart and am curious about the best build to use for her. I’ve had a look at a couple of optimisers’ takes on Shadowheart. In this little note, I look at the newcomers and then review an older perspective which comes primarily from Treantmonk. I look at those who comment on…

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A home messaging server

I am looking for a wintel messaging server for games, first call being for Call of Duty II, I think. I am looking for a mini/compact if possible. This is an unfinished project and here are my notes.

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America’s Cup 2023-24

The timeline and venue’s have been announced, they have also have a web site; Team Inneos, the UK boat is the challenger of record.

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Watching Critical Role

I really enjoyed the first two series of critical role, and have also watched a bunch of the one offs and mini-series. I watched on youtube, not on the real-time streaming service and found it useful to have series of resources to hand to help understand the rules of the game. I made a page,…

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Rise of Empires

It’s not the easiest game to learn; here are my notes and links. When I discovered it was occupying a shit load of space, I deleted it. I have marked this deprecated, although others may find some of this useful. I had got to the point where I couldn’t be bothered to learn how to…

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Modals & NWN Test

This page was built to test the required code to get the hint modals working on The Harp & Chrysanthemum page. It contains the three modals, which do not display until racked up and down. This has been tested on Firefox and is usable, and on Opera, which behaves oddly, and still requires to be…

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Wizards of the Coast are looking to earn more money from their D&D assets, this has led to some 3rd party creators to worry about their right of access to the rules which had been available to them via WotC Open Gaming Licence OGL 1.0a. The similarity with the software industry’s open source wars and…

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ANNO 1880

Xmas us coming, I was  on Steam and found ANNO 1880 which looks beautiful, at least in stills. Currently on offer for a very reasonable price. What do others say? I have a look at some reviews. …

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NWN2: Shaper of Dreams

A module for NWN2, “The shaper of dreams”, a game in six chapters, seeming written in German and translated, or at least the first three chapters have been. Here are my notes. …

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