The King’s Speech

The first monarch’s speech to Parliament written by a Labour Government in many years. It is reviewed by the Guardian, who welcome it as radical but not revolutionary departure from their predecessors empowering the state to make life better for people. They conclude by saying, The conditions of frustration that have fuelled far-right insurgencies in…

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Democratising the EU

The CTOE has published a manifesto of demands for democracy; we have examined those European Parties with manifestos for the European Parliament  elections this year and have scored them against our 10 demands. The results are published on the CTOE blog site, The European Party Manifestos: Who is Afraid of Democracy? Overleaf/below, are further comments…

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After my trip to Turkey, I feel that I should visit Rhodes, it may be my next destination or if I can work out how to do it properly an interesting way of arriving at Fethiye. Here are my notes on visiting Rhodes. …

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Border checks, finally

On the 30th April 2024, the UK introduced physical inspection for imported goods from the EU. This has been delayed five times due to an unpreparedness of the agencies and a fear of the economic consequences with price rises and shortages predicted. The EU have been conducting these checks since 1st Jan 2021. There is…

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EU Citizen? Vote!

Some EU citizen’s residents in the UK will be able to vote in the upcoming #EuropeanParliament elections. The infographic below, shows which countries are offering to permit this, and how they mean to make this happen. Some will offer postal votes, some will organise polling stations in the UK and Estonia is offering internet voting….

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Platform Socialism

James Muldoon has written a book, Platform Socialism: How to Reclaim our Digital Futures, reviewed here, and was invited by the “Different Class” programme to join a seminar discussing it. When I first heard of the book, and read reviews I wasn’t impressed. A lot of what he said has been said before however on…

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Galaxy Fold 5

I decided I needed one of these, between the tablet and the phone and making Kindle easier to read. It’s thicker but otherwise smaller when folded than my A32. Buying it was a palaver, and I eventually bought it with a big discount at John Lewis. Here’s a hint, EE don’t want to sell phones,…

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Brexit and GDP

This isn’t going well. “The Office for Budget Responsibility on Wednesday said its long-running prediction is “broadly on track” to show a 15% fall in trade and a 4% reduction in the UK economy’s potential productivity compared to if the UK had stayed in the EU”. Here are some notes and links …

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