Nextscripts: Social Network Autoposter

I had a quick look at Nextscripts: Social Network Auto Poster. It claims to be able to forward posts to other social networks. These include as targets, twitter, linkedin and facebook. The also offer Google+ but that needs an additional library which may be chargeable. I need to work on this a bit more. Since…

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While testing and demonstrating this wordpress based site to colleagues, I had problems with the Add This plugin. This was caused by my Ghostery settings which I use on all browsers that support it. This site uses the “Add This” plugin which uses cookies, and so Ghostery will block it, unless you set Ghostery to…

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On Copyright

As a result of the EP’s LIBE committee report on the EU Copyright Regulation, in Feb 2015, I built a Storify page and propose to write a blog article. This page captures some of the resources I used to write it. They come from my blog, the IP Kat,, torrentfreak and flickr, where martin…

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I needed to install WAMP on my PC, to support some Amazon developments; I needed a screen interface to my database. Here are some notes and links. I talk about installation, and port conflicts. I might expand the install notes to include advice on mysql security.

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Parliament TV

I was point at a Parliament TV clip from the House of Commons and wanted to experiment with using the stop parameter. The http code is as follows,

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As you can see I have been provoked into thinking about the problems to which Dev/Ops claims to be the answer.  These may be weak on the ideas around “plant as software” but here are some links.

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Gdrive & Linux

My original article in 2015 pointed at the fanclub’s grive, this ceased to work on my elementary build and so with some googling I found an alternative. NB I moved from elementary to ubuntu in 2019. I revisited this in 2023, while using Ubuntu 22. For U22 this is now integrated and accessed via online…

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Storage for the 21st century

I had a chat with Kieron Bradley, a long time collaborator and colleague and we looked at new age storage/persistence architectures. New ideas are coming out of Linkedin, and the recommended further reading includes,

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WordPress Database Schema

While working on Nulis and while attempting to solve some other problems I began to need to document the contents of wordpress databases. The first problem I sought to solve was to build a visual map of the site. This needs the schema to be understood and the table contents to be extracted. This needs…

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I had a quick look to check out erlang and installed it on one of my VMs. I also checked out what “Hello World” looked like. Stackoverflow has a getting started article here…. This article is currently just a couple of links.

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