Some notes based on the ERS’ document, “Close the Gap: Tackling Europe’s Democratic Deficit”. They have 12 proposals, seven of which suggest actions for the UK Parliament, two for political parties (other than Labour) and one each for the Council, Commission and Parliament. So not so much an EU deficit, more a UK paying attention…
Read moreHow to rejoin the EU
That Brexit: it’s falling apart faster than I thought, what with the fishing fuck up and the closure i.e. suspension of one of the Nissan production lines. I was ruing my new blue passport when a friend told me he had seven years on his burgundy one and I said, we’d be back in by…
Read moreOn non-compete agreements
I am being asked about ‘non compete’ clauses in settlement agreement contracts. These are often overreaching but, if so, are they enforceable? Here are my notes …
Read moreBrexit, the next deadlines
Brexit is not done. Here are the new and next deadlines starting with Finance and Data. Also note that negotiation on agri-business documentation is incomplete and has a very short term deadline. Here are my notes and the IFG info-graphic. …
Read moreLabour Party, a Glossary
The perennial question asked by new Labour members, or old hacks pretending to be concerned, is about jargon. Here is a guide, I took it from Cheltenham Labour’s site, but that itself is informed by the Labour Party’s own page on jargon. This page below/overleaf explains some of the most commonly used Labour Party terms…
Read moreECHR Article , Right to a fair trial
And now No 6. Here are my notes …
Read moreGramsci in context
Martin Thomas (of the AWL) together with Peter Thomas has produced a pamphlet/book on the Life and thoughts of Gramsci. I might read it some time, but not today. Their landing page which hosts the .pdf is called Gramsci in Context. I also found this, from Socialist Appeal which argues that many Communists and Social…
Read moreNWN2: Shaper of Dreams
A module for NWN2, “The shaper of dreams”, a game in six chapters, seeming written in German and translated, or at least the first three chapters have been. Here are my notes. …
Read moreDuesenbury’s ratchet theorem
I came across this a long time ago, while studying for my a-levels, so thank you Mr Sidemouth, but I have not heard much about him since. While considering the Tories attempts to reduce the penurious universal credit payments, and my own experiences as I move into retirement I am reminded of the ratchet. Here…
Read moreLocal Woodland
Mmmh. Ancient Woodlands. Are there any in Lewisham? It would seem the answer is yes, possibly several sites. Do you think we could introduce some Bears? Here are my notes …
Read moreResponsible Opposition
Is this a redefinition of ‘responsible opposition’? Starmer’s new year message, Here are my notes …
Read moreLinear Regression
Again! Can’t remember when I last used, but I need to again and thus have to revise what it. Here are my notes …
Read morePhilately
I need to sell my stamp collection, here are my notes.
Read moreBrexit & the City
It is well understood that the post brexit trade deal excludes services including financial services, what does this mean? Here are my notes, which I converted into a piece on linkedin …
Read moreGMB Congress size
The GMB’s annual congress, except when pandemics occur is defined by rule., Rule 8. It consists of one delegate per 1500 members and the delegates are appointed by the regions, 90% elected by the membership within Regions and 10% appointed by the Regional Committees, which are themselves indirectly elected bodies. This means that at the…
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