I did promise when I started blogging that I wouldn’t do food and recipes, but my life has changed and I am about to cook a xmas dinner, again, here are my notes so I wont have to look them up next year; mostly timings!. …
Read moreCompilers & Interpreters
While writing up my notes on Static Page Generators, I was reminded of an IT course I did in the early ’80s. The course, SSADM at the Civil Service College included a session on presentation skills during which one of my fellow students presented on the difference between compilers & interpreters. He used a hand…
Read moreVisualising electoral data again
Obviously with the results of the general election announced my mind turns to analysis and visualisation. I had/have been looking at this for a while, and here are my notes. Actually this is an index entry as much of what I had found is catalogued in the two related posts below/overleaf. …
Read moreStatic page web sites
I came across a video that suggested using google drive as a web hosting solution. This seemed quite a neat idea. I need to examine if I lose anything by not having a web server in-front of it, probably not; there is one which is run and configured by Google. It would however require a…
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