Some EU citizen’s residents in the UK will be able to vote in the upcoming #EuropeanParliament elections.
The infographic below, shows which countries are offering to permit this, and how they mean to make this happen. Some will offer postal votes, some will organise polling stations in the UK and Estonia is offering internet voting. These decisions are taken by the member states, and each member state has different deadlines and qualifications to vote.
More information is available from the European Parliament site, and one hopes shortly from the embassies.
The University of Maastrict is running a hustings for the Spitzenkanditaten on the 29th April, they encouraging people to organise watch parties, ; UCL have organised one, in London, which is open to all, has has Oxford University.
Featured Image Credit: Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC BY-SA 3.0 2014 via wikimedia commons
You probably know all this,but just in case it’s useful