Here are my notes, although this may not be what I want, threads are only started by making Disqus the comment system for the blog. …
Read moreRSS Autodiscovery
I needed to check my notes on RSS autodiscovery; I wrote about it in passing in my article on Venus, and on returning found this article by Pete Freitag. The key idiom is to add a <link> tag in the <head> section of your html page. Here are more notes …
Read moreRaspberry Pi and messages
I logged into find my disk too full to use. Why didn’t it tell me? Here are my notes.
Read moreNEC blogs, an aggregator
I made an aggregation of the NEC blogs I could find, it’s not finished as I need to install some margins, make it responsive and possibly reposition the meta panels. I looked at my snip, Planet (Venus) themes (CSS) and revised it slightly, otherwise here are my notes. …
Read moreRSS Forwarding using IFTTT & a Nokia 3.1
I want to use my Nokia with IFTTT as I have selected an RSS/Android SMS service to forward my blog. It doesn’t work here are my notes. …
Read moreRSS from JIRA
For those of us for whom email is a bit passé, we want to recieve our Jira updates using feeds, either because it allows us to choose our browser, or for other reasons. I hope the following links help.
Read moreJSON to XML
In order to export the feed, I need to convert the JSON to XML. This isn’t the first time I have needed to look at this sort of problem and so I have created a page to hold my notes. I have put these things together in a python script, and posted it to…
Read moreLeaving
Time to see if I can load the Oracle Blog into my It seems to be behind a login screen now, although the index page seems available if you known the URL.
Read moreStorify & RSS
To find your Storify’s story feed, the following URL works;<User Name>. Odd indeed.
Read moreRendering RSS on my blog or wiki
I have for a long time sought to present rss feeds within pages on this blog. It was started by a desire to use my social bookmark service as additional links in some of the reference articles on this wiki. The page was started in Jun 2014. Here my notes, although this page was subject…
Read moreFlickr and RSS
The RSS buttons are much harder to find in the new look Flickr.
Read moreTwitter API V1.1 (Deprecated)
This post was written in 2013 and I discovered in May 2018 that most of the links failed. It’s been a while, and it surprises me that my little wiki has lasted longer than the resources I point to, but not here. I could have deleted this post, but chose not to; I have heavily…
Read morePlanet (Venus) Themes (CSS)
I use Sam Ruby’s Planet Venus. The package comes with two themes, I have always rather liked the ‘Fancy’ theme. This article was finished in May 2011, and talks about the css required to amend a planet output page in HTML/CSS. It was written for my planet G3 feed which was a G3 RSS repeater….
Read moreImplementing an XML feed viewer in HTML
I decided to have another go as I was looking to consume some planet feeds on a static web page. I found Display Your Feed on a Static HTML Page Using FeedBurner’s BuzzBoost using Google and this points at Feedburner’s Buzzboost, which is part of their feed publicity toolset. Now marked deprecated.
Read moreSnipsnap, RSS & XML feeds
This page was originally entitled “Snipsnap Blog & XML Feeds”. It documented one of the crucial failings in snipsnap, its limited rss feed size of 10 and the blog article naming which means that it considered nearly all the articles to be titled “1”. In 2009, I experimented with using Google reader as a feed…
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