Galaxy Fold 5

I decided I needed one of these, between the tablet and the phone and making Kindle easier to read. It’s thicker but otherwise smaller when folded than my A32. Buying it was a palaver, and I eventually bought it with a big discount at John Lewis. Here’s a hint, EE don’t want to sell phones,…

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Haiku OS

Someone pointed me at this and I thought why not? I decided to have a go at installing it under Virtual Box. Here are my notes and links …

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Database Generators

It’s project time again. I need to build an application. It needs a database, and writing the procedural code in SQL is easier for me. So step one is to find an ERD/generator. Here are my notes …

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A home messaging server

I am looking for a wintel messaging server for games, first call being for Call of Duty II, I think. I am looking for a mini/compact if possible. This is an unfinished project and here are my notes.

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Netsurf, installing it.

I felt I needed a smaller faster browser for my Ubuntu virtual machine. So on the advice of doctor Google I found this page which mentioned seven.

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Python web apps

On coming home from Campaign Day’s Hacker day, I set myself a few tasks. If I am to continue with the small lottery system, and even if seeking to improve the NH’s donation inspector, it might be best to implement them as a python web app, if only because I can use pickle to avoid…

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Hugo Introduction theme No 2

More adventures on the PI, I have lost my Hugo Markup for; fortunately it is not a big site. There are no automatic reverse engineering tools and so I’ll have to do it the long way round. So this is version 4. I have a page called Hugo on this site. Version 4 I…

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About keyboards

About keyboards, been buying laptops recently but i have a bluetooth keyboard for my tablet and am considering getting a new phone and a smaller one might be cool.

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Enshittification and Apple

This is a note, I might convert it into an essay. What’s the difference, I write the notes for me, I write essays for at least one other person. I am not sure this is finished, but as it stands, a bit of Corey Doctorow, and a bit of me. Corey Doctorow has turned his…

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A gaming laptop

Shall I get a gaming laptop? Yes, I know I want to and my experience of playing BG3 on my working machine, was poor.

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