A note on Housing policy and the opportunities under a Labour Government. I assume they want more affordable houses both to allow people a better home and create demand and income. …
Read moreBorder checks, finally
On the 30th April 2024, the UK introduced physical inspection for imported goods from the EU. This has been delayed five times due to an unpreparedness of the agencies and a fear of the economic consequences with price rises and shortages predicted. The EU have been conducting these checks since 1st Jan 2021. There is…
Read morePlatform Socialism
James Muldoon has written a book, Platform Socialism: How to Reclaim our Digital Futures, reviewed here, and was invited by the “Different Class” programme to join a seminar discussing it. When I first heard of the book, and read reviews I wasn’t impressed. A lot of what he said has been said before however on…
Read moreBrexit and GDP
This isn’t going well. “The Office for Budget Responsibility on Wednesday said its long-running prediction is “broadly on track” to show a 15% fall in trade and a 4% reduction in the UK economy’s potential productivity compared to if the UK had stayed in the EU”. Here are some notes and links …
Read moreEnshittification and Apple
This is a note, I might convert it into an essay. What’s the difference, I write the notes for me, I write essays for at least one other person. I am not sure this is finished, but as it stands, a bit of Corey Doctorow, and a bit of me. Corey Doctorow has turned his…
Read moreLondon, Sadiq Khan & Brexit
Sadiq Kahn, the Mayor of London commissioned and released a report on the impact of Brexit on London. conducted by Cambridge Econometrics. This report was discussed at the London Assembly Economy Committee; I am trying to get the minutes or better the video recording. The Mayor issued a press release, on the report, entitled, New…
Read moreEconomic Statistics
I found a couple of sources while researching some recent articles. Here are some links and comments. These articles are ‘coming soon’, and we all know what that means …
Read moreCreative Industries & Trade
I have looked at whether the UK’s creative industries are net contributors to the nation’s wealth i.e. Do we import more than we export? The music industry on the BBC are both very proud of their export data, but discovering important facts is much more difficult. Here are my notes and links, …
Read moreCapitalism Divided
I am reading this, by Geoffrey Ingham and making some notes. At the moment, i.e. where I am in the book, he is examinimg why the British state is not acting as the executive committee of the [industrial] bourgoisie. As ever, here below or overleaf are my links and notes …
Read moreKier Starmer and Resolution Foundation
At the launch of the Resolution Foundation’s report, “Ending Stagnation”, [Press Release], they had a bunch of speakers, including Sir Kier Starmer, Labour’s Leader, whose speech is posted at Labour List. It seems Hunt was also there. Here are some notes and links …
Read moreGermany’s future
In this article in the New Statesman, Walter Münchau looks at the macro-economics and industrial policy of Germany and predicts its failure and notes the effect of ‘leaving behind’ the old East in particular in its politics with the rise of the AfD. The article is subtitled, “The country is in economic and political crisis…
Read moreInterest, debt & housing prices
I came across the video from the i linked to below and wondered how much the assertion that the UK has never had such a malign nexus, oh high inflation, high interest rates and high consumer debt. I was shocked at the Schroders report that the price to income ratio is now nine i.e. a…
Read moreGermany and debt fetishism
The stability and growth pact (SGP) is the EU’s public debt management rules and embedded in a separate treaty to the T[F]EU treaties. I have commented on these treaties elsewhere on this wiki. Elsewhere in several articles, on the blog, I criticise the SGP on my blog, including here, here, and here. My main criticism…
Read moreBacktracking on macro- & climate change
What’s going on with Labour’s policy making? We are waiting for an NPF meeting, but that doesn’t seem to inhibit the front bench? This is a note on Reeves, her rules and macroeconomics.
Read moreWorld Economic Power
I was thinking about UK defence policy and considering the role of the domestic economy. I was doing this in the light of the GMB’s internal debates on defence manufacturing. These charts are dated 2017 and I believe that Italy and France have both overtaken the UK since then and the measurement in USD will…
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