Down the rabbit hole

I am not sure where this started but I have known about Professor Danny Dorling‘s work for a number of years. He has written a book and authored a white paper called variously Shattered Nation or Shattered Britain. I watched the launch of AEIP’s joint report which he authored, “Brexit: A failed project in a…

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Becoming a Governor

I have applied to become a school governor. A number of authorities have outsourced the first stage to what seems to be a web site, Governors for Schools. Here are the rest of my notes …

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British Higher Education

Decline & Fall In Feb 2007, a manifesto/biography entitled Decline and Fall of the British University appeared on the internet but its host site disappeared pretty quickly. The Google cache has also expired now. It was signed by Mark Tarver, who argues that the expansion of student numbers and the increased and payment of tuition…

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Becoming a Teacher The Guardian on the 29th March published a letter and reply in its Dr Woek column about becoming a teacher. The reply referenced which is the body responsible for qualifications in teaching.

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