From the Archives

  • Devolution


    After the publication of the Brown Commission report, I was surprised to discover that a Scottish comrade was underwhelmed by its proposals for Scotland, I don’t know why that way it should …
  • Rewilding Britain

    Rewilding Britain

    i wrote a blog article, which was a news piece on the reintroduction of bison to the UK, in Kent of all places. Last week, India Bourke wrote an article in the …
  • Mac OS, about upgrades

    Mac OS, about upgrades

    I need to upgrade the Mac. The O/S version is getting a bit long in the tooth. I have V10.5, Leopard, I need to get to 10.6 Snow Leopard. Here are my, …
  • Rhodes


    After my trip to Turkey, I feel that I should visit Rhodes, it may be my next destination or if I can work out how to do it properly an interesting way …
  • Madrid


    I have set up a google map called About Madrid, and I visited it in order to attend a NESSI Steering Committee in January 2008. This is the first time this century …
  • Windows PeopleApp

    Windows PeopleApp

    I had to fix my Windows RT tablet’s People App since Google have withdrawn their Contacts Sync 😂 This it seems was several years ago. How very dare they!  I used the Microsoft Community …
  • About Ursula von der Leyen

    About Ursula von der Leyen

    Ursula von der Leyen, became the 1st woman President of the EU’s college of commissioners on 1st Dec 2019. Her appointment was controversial because she was not one of the spitzencanditaten. The …