
Hmm. Just watched the B5 episode, “All alone in the night”, odd to see William Hague as a hero, and to see him extolling the slogan “Too far, too fast”. It was published in 1995 so the New Labour precognition must be an odd and lucky guess. …


Played too much NWN2 last night, the road to Crossroad Keep. A couple of fights where you need to keep certain allies alive; this takes concentration and I need to get to grips with the AI controls. The choice between Grobnar and Neeska is hard (and I seem to be getting it wrong), I also need to give Qara a turn as the magic user. The monster at the end of the Tavorick Estate took me by surprise with its ‘death’ spell, but it proved easy the second time; it’s amazing what appropriate preparation does. …


It would seen there are no Apple Stores “south of the river”, for those that understand the social geography of London and semiotics of the Mitchell & Webb Mac/PC adverts will come as no surprise. Anyone from San Francisco want to comment? …

The EU D.P. Regulations falls at the hurdle

The EU D.P. Regulations falls at the hurdle

Glynn Moody, of course,  at TechDirt, syndicates the EDRi scoop about the final stages of the new EU Data Protection Regulation exposing the National Governments’ role in weakening the current legislation which have completed their 1st & 2nd stages. The EDRI have published a document called “Broken Badly” which contains their critique of the Council’s behaviour and positions because they weaken the rules around consent (both authorisation and purpose), corporate sanctions, duty to notify breaches, and the problematic one stop shop for jurisdiction. Correspondence to Chris Grayling I suppose. …