Read my Blog

I write mainly about technology, cybersecurity & politics, their intersections and also on economics.

My Blog

On Linkedin

I write about technology, compliance and IT Risk on my Linked In blog

Linked In


I have a personal wiki, where I post my notes and findings about Technology, I.T., Travel, computer games, gadgets and there’s a few articles about just living one’s life. There’s also some politics and economics, but not so much today.



Some of what I write deserves to be remembered for longer than the seven days I allow for comments. This page lists some of those articles, lists the site feeds, hosts, points at three code projects, hosts a deepart project


Site Map The sitemap for this site. See also I have two venus aggregators, one of Labour Party NEC members, and one of some selected brexit commenters. Some announcements are made as blog posts with the category “Admin”.