Over the weekend, a spat broke out between Jon Lansman, veteran leftist and Tom Watson MP. This twitter exchange pretty much summarises it.
@jonlansman You've revealed your plan. If you succeed you will destroy the Labour Party as an electoral force. So you have to be stopped.
— Tom Watson (@tom_watson) March 19, 2017
Actually this was started because comments Lansman made to a private meeting were leaked to the press via video and blown up into a new conspiracy.
What I want to add, starting from Watson’s tweet, is that I believe it’s the so-called moderates that are destroying the party as an electoral force. The focus on the personality of the Leader and the evidence free proposition that we just need to knock on a few or even many more doors and we can win is wrong.
There are central political questions that need to be answered or Labour will follow the Greek PASOK, the Dutch PvdA, the French PS and its own example in Scotland.