Any Labour Party meeting will have a row about rules, and our GM involved one about the gender quotas, and one about the electorate for Women’s Officer and BAME Officer.
Chapter 7.VII.1 states that CLP’s may vary the rules with the permission of the NEC, it also states that such amendments may not contradict the rules set by conference. It does not restrict these changes to Chapter 15, the standing orders.
Chapter 7.VIII.2 states that the six principal officers including the women’s officer must be elected by the AGM. It also states that additional EC officers may be appointed/elected with the permission of the NEC but that the gender quotas must be adjusted to meet the increased size of the EC. Since the gender theshold must apply to voting members of the Executive Committee, we should gave applied the gender quota to the Liberation Officers, but not necessarily to the Functional Officers who do not have a vote.
So we can have a BAME officer, and with the permission of the NEC elect that person as we choose, although the result would have to meet the gender threshold rules.