On Saturday, Labour Conference changed the rules as it pertained to the Local Campaign Forums now named Local Govt. Committees, the Rule changes were published in CAC 1 and I have made a copy that exclusively refers to Chapter 12, LCF Rule Proposal extract from CAC1
The key reforms are,
- Voting power on the LGC will be ⅓ for the Council Group, ⅓ for the CLP Reps, and ⅓ for delegates from Trade Unions. This is voting power it is not dependent on the number of delegates.
- Councillors may only sit in the Council Group class of delegates
- The Leader/Deputy Leader are to sit on the LGC Executive.
- There are strong, or maybe weak, but at least some rules to constrain Councillors from impacting seats they are interested in, but obviously not swapping favours.
- CLP’s delegate numbers will be representative of the number of wards represented in the LA area.
- The authority for the manifesto remains unclear.
This does not increase the accountability of the Labour Group.
Have a look and make a comment if I have missed anything. …