Off to the International Anthony Burgess Museum for the Don’t Spy on Us fringe meeting on Privacy. The speakers were Ewan Macaskill of the Guardian, Carley Nyst of Privacy International, Claude Moraes MEP, Jim Killock of the ORG and chaired by Mike Harris of #dontspyonus. The first speaker was Ewan Macaskill who started by saying he’s glad they i.e. the spooks are there, but like me in fact, supposed that they were targeting maybe 5-15% of the population which would be say 400,000 people. What is shocking is the ambition, to spy on everyone who uses the internet. The fact they’re aiming at everyone, including lawyers and doctors is worrying to say the least. …
And off to Manchester
I travelled up to Manchester for Labour Party Conference, we are using the tag #lab14. I got the station wrong again! Manchester is Euston! I wish Priority Pass would get Lounge access there but I expect it’s Virgin and they won’t play ball with them; Virgin lounges are reserved for Virgin Upper Class ticket holders.