The other day (Sept), Dilbert and Co. were introduced to the productivity/usefullness ratio. Despite working hard, a co-worker is absolutely useless and is of course told by the manager to work less. …
Consolidation & Sybase
I wrote up some notes on how to run multiple Sybase instances in a single system image. When I originally wrote it, I was pretty much the world expert on the subject. The article explored a couple of basic Sybase consolidation techniques and the UNIX and Solaris technologies that support consolidation. It was one of the first articles I published on, as a download. As I prepared for the version file look and feel update in 2015, I had decided that it was no longer of much help and so did not bring it forward to the new downloads page, although the download permalink is still supported. …
Don’t bet on “buyer beware”
I have worked for the public sector (central government), small owner run businesses and large joint stock companies, while most management theorists agree with my first law of business, it is my experience that many so-called entrepreneurs don’t. …
Writing in English
I wrote an article at called Writing in English about web resources and jargon. Not really worth bringing forward. So I haven’t.
Is it raining out?
Originally posted at I have (over the last few months) renewed my attempt to find a weather content site that delivered over the phone. …