I’ve finally got an instance of Snipsnap running on my Qube and I’ve mucked around with the look and feel to give it my “Green Robot” look which my home site also has, if you like it, you can go there and download it. …
Implementing Tags in a Database??
I was considering why del.icio.us doesn’t offer a cloud for tag based queries, while it does offer the cloud for User based queries, and I received the reply that it was (probably) related to query cost, which set me thinking. What would the del.icio.us database look like? The rest of this blog article looks at how one might model the bookmarks and give a clue as to how one might implement it. …
Dave’s Adventures in Qubeland
I wrote a piece on my Oracle blog, Dave;s adventures in Qubeland. It’s redundant now since the Qube and it’s Linux have gone but it celebrates my discovery of chkconfig and how to configure an rc.opensshd. This snip/pointer was published in Feb 2016. …