I’ve finally got an instance of Snipsnap running on my Qube and I’ve mucked around with the look and feel to give it my “Green Robot” look which my home site also has, if you like it, you can go there and download it.
I have used the .war version of snipsnap and have thus had to install Java, tomcat and snipsnap; the Qube’s Linux does not come with any of these! Once I got the downloads to work correctly, this is fairly simple.
Java went on easily as you’d expect. I just followed the installation instructions at http://java.sun.com/. I took the full J2EE SDK pack for Linux. With tomcat, I took the binary distribution (V4.1) for Linux from the apache tomcat site. (I can’t remember why we only took V4.1, there was a reason; it might be because of the oldness of the Linux distro, or it might be Snipsnap thing.) Anyway the install is just a cp [copy] command. I then wrote a rc.d script for tomcat which needs to know where the ${JAVA_HOME} directory is but otherwise I have invoked the start and stop scripts distributed with tomcat. (They’re in the ./bin directory). I also had to dick around with the tomcat-users.xml file. Installing Snipsnap was even simpler, with the .war version, you just need to upload this using the tomcat manager screen. When I uploaded the .war to tomcat, I had renamed the .war to snipsnap.war. (I think this is where it inherits its namespace root from, but anyway, you don’t want all that version stuff leaking into the database structure.) All that’s left then is amending the CSS to develop a new theme. Again Snipsnap’s documentation is quite good and my only problem was my own CSS coding.
Originally posted on my sun/oracle blog, reposted here in March 2016. I continued to use snipsnap for over 10 years, and my notes are on my wiki, tagged ‘snipsnap’.