Today is my last day at Citihub, and I have been documenting my CPDs for one of my accreditations. I checked their blog site, this URL, searches the site looking for stuff I have been mentioned on or written and returns my blog articles. …
One long year
I am documenting my CPD’s and reviewing the contents of my LinkedIn blog and came across this, “The GDPR will become British law”, published last year where I predicted that the GDPR would be grandfathered into British Law via the proposed “Great Repeal Bill”.
What a difference a year and a general election makes.
I did not predict that since the GDPR has member state derogations and that the Government would bring a Data Protection Bill to Parliament. The fact they’ve lost their majority and are now frightened of loosing votes in Parliament is another motivation for sticking a big complex bill into the time table; iit burns time and one would hope that it can be uncontroversial so there’s no chance of loosing a vote, and even if they do, who cares, apart from people like me.
This could of course be a complete waste of time as it’s the courts which will decide what the law means and if we should leave then the issues raised here … will apply. …
The pursuit of the criminal activity of the Leave campaign has come to the fore again, I have captured some of the articles and tweets in a storify story called “Follow (Leave’ EU’s) money”. It talks of Jo Maughan‘s case to get the Electoral Commission to pursue their overspanding. and Carole Cadwalladr‘s attempts to document their receipt of illegal foreign donations and gifts in kind. I also make reference to JJ Patrick’s article on the role of Russian botnets, which would, if collusion were proved, almost certainly be an illegal foreign donation in kind. …
Follow (Leave EU’s) money
I made a storify about the Leave Campaign’s funding and the legal pursuit of the potential criminals. I transferred this to the blog, as at the original date of publication, once Storify announced they were abandoning the service.
River of Data
I was first introduced to the concept of a river of data, by Dave Winer; I was reading one of his feeds; I’ve not actually met him. In his mini-polemics against google reader, which used a mail browser metaphor, he argued that feed reading was like standing on the bank of a river; you could and should only read what you can see while standing at the bank. Any attempt to catchup with the water gone past is a waste of time.
Anyway that’s how I remember it. …
Bother! Linkedin is now a river! If you don’t ‘like’ it, it’s lost! …
Brexit & data flows
I have written a short and longer piece on the post #Brexit cross border data controls between the UK, the EU and the USA. [ Linkedin || here on this blog ]. It’s pretty messy but not as visible as banking, radio-therapy, airline business and the integrated manufacturing supply chains across the EU. …
The Data Flow implications of Brexit
Project Fear or Project Reality about Brexit continues and while risks to banking, air travel, radio-therapy and the pan-European integrated manufacturing supply chains are all making the headlines, there is also a serious problem with maintaining data flows particularly of personal data, which underpins both secondary & tertiary sector industries. This article looks at the threat to trade involving data flows posed by Brexit and looks at the likely shape of US/EU data flow and privacy regulation. …
Another role!
Oops, I forgot I am also standing as Trade Union delegate to Local Campaign Forum, the body that runs Lewisham Labour’s Council Campaigns.
I am standing to be the Trade Union delegate to the LCF as part of the Lewisham Deptford for Corbyn Slate. This is an important job as the Labour Party remains on an election footing prepares for next year’s Mayor and Council elections. We need to build an LCF and Council Group that feels accountable to its membership and voters.
I believe the Labour Party needs to turn to the Left and support the current Leadership and the 2017 manifesto. The party needs to be more democratic, and listen to its members, in 2015, while Secretary here, the question I was most asked was how to I contribute my ideas to the Party’s manifesto.
I voted for Dianne Abbott in 2010, and Jeremey Corbyn in both 2015 & 2016.
I have not stood to be a Councillor and thus will have no conflict of interest. I have been a trade unionist all my working life; I am a member of the GMB.
Please vote for me and other candidates looking to build a more inclusive, listening and socialist party. …
Vote for me (again)
I am standing for IT Officer of the CLP. I am part of the Lewisham Deptford for Corbyn Slate. This is an important job as the Labour Party remains on an election footing and moves away from Nationbuilder. We need IT we can use, and that works starting with a trust worthy email system. We need a web site that works for the party and a democratic, engaging and kind social media presence.
I believe the Labour Party needs to turn to the Left and support the current Leadership and the 2017 manifesto. The party needs to be more democratic, and listen to its members, in 2015, while Secretary here, the question I was most asked was how to I contribute my ideas to the Party’s manifesto. I don’t think the current CLP leadership has answered that question.
I voted for Dianne Abbott in 2010, and Jeremey Corbyn in both 2015 & 2016.
I am an exceptionally qualified IT professional, a Chartered Fellow of the BCS and Certified Information Systems Security Professional. I volunteer at New Cross Learning as an IT worker.
Please vote for me and other candidates looking to build a more inclusive and socialist party. …