One thought on “A weekend away in London

  • 31st December 2015 at 9:44 pm

    While at the V&A, we saw the signposts to Digital Decode, which we returned to later in the year to visit their exhibition which is still described at Decode: Digital Design Sensations. A quick breakfast in their cafe and then onto the exhibition, which was rather fun. The exhibition claimed to be driven to studying Code, Interactivity and Network. They say that,

    Code presents pieces that use computer code to create new works and looks at how code can be programmed to create constantly fluid and ever-changing works. Interactivity looks at works that are directly influenced by the viewer. Visitors will be invited to interact with and contribute to the development of the exhibits. Network focuses on works that comment on and utilise the digital traces left behind by everyday communications and looks at how advanced technologies and the internet have enabled new types of social interaction and mediums of self-expression.

    Some of the interactivity exhibits were great fun, particularly playing my music collection into the piece that visualised the sound…

    What like Windows Music Player?

    and Paintburst. A shame that stockwave wasn’t working, but then neither was the LSE, the artist has published some pictures on flickr. (Shame I didn’t record the artists name.)

    Interesting how even the interactive exhibits seem not to be on the internet, except the V&A’s decode/recode project, but I have too many code projects to work with in my spare time without adding to them.

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