Fantastic News! Company-I, one of Sun’s long term partner organisations has just won the CBI’s “Innovator of the Year” award. So congratulations to Mark Pennycook & all his team that have built the company to the point it can win this major prize. The prize for the Innovator is given for, going to extreme lengths to create a “buzz” in the workplace, radically reconfiguring their internal processes, having a track record of improvement and innovation and embracing modern practices.

I used to work more closely with these people when I ran Sun’s City Consulting team and several of the Company-I staff were in that team full time. The exchange of ideas between and collective learning of the two organisations and their people made Sun’s City ecosystem a fun place to work where learning new things was easy, and perhaps achieving the “buzz” that the CBI were looking for. We did some neat things together, much of which became the platform for their success today and last Wednesday.

Mark was also one of the correspondents in Wine & Wisdom on this blog.


Originally posted on my sun/oracle blog, republished here in Feb 2016.

Friends rewarded for innovating
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