I wrote a note about the Lyon Conference Centre; within Sun we were discussing the possibility of holding an EMEA Customer Engineering conference and I used the trip to Lyon to check out their conference centre. Among the things to do better should Sun come to ICT again, is that the hotel should be booked in advance. Its a real pain being so far from my hotel room; I can’t return to my room for either power or privacy. The commute is a time consuming pain; I am staying in Vienne which is about 30 minutes away, although the journey takes much longer. The journey in both directions was made harder by a strike on the trains, it was just like old time in England being picketed by the CGT. I hope it’s easier today.
The Lyon convention centre is enormous and very good. If we could justify a Sun global training event in Europe, it’d be excellent, I wonder if they rent parts of it?

Even at this conference, they ‘ushered’ people to sit below the main walkways when using the main auditorium for break out sessions. Having said it’d be excellent, are there enough hotel rooms in Lyon, as I said I booked late and AMEX couldn’t get me in (to Lyon), but it could always be AMEX’s fault. The number of breakout rooms might be a constraint and the wireless was poor in a number of rooms and unlike Palau de Congressos de Catlunya in Barcelona, there is no power available in the conference rooms and halls. They claimed 4500 delegates at ICT 2008.
Originally posted on my sun/oracle blog, reposted here in July 2016.