I posted a place holder pointing at my bookmarks prior to writing up my notes of my visit to ICT 2008. This post points at it and restores the linkroll. …
Managing Tomorrow’s Cloud
An off agenda session on Cloud Computing, kicked off by William Fellows of the 451 Group. I quite like his stacks both of functionality, illustrating what needs to be done and the evolution of the cloud from its partly failed predecessors. The discussion then moved to management …
Impressions of the Citie International
I wrote a note about the Lyon Conference Centre; within Sun we were discussing the possibility of holding an EMEA Customer Engineering conference and I used the trip to Lyon to check out their conference centre. …
Can Europe keep up?
I then attended a panel discussion on R&D in Europe, which given the attendees was pretty self congratulatory. HP’s VP for Labs is a Brit, and was on the panel. The reason I mention this is that he was the only employee of a global IT company i.e. one not quoted in Europe, who spoke in a plenary session. They sort of said “Great Research, no IT manufacturing” , …
Visions of Future Computing
After lunch, with wine, it is in France after all, I attended a session called “Visions of Future Computing and Communication Paradigms”. Frustratingly this was not video’d and nor can I find the slides on the USB stick they gave us. So you’ll have to rely on my memory; I didn’t take any notes. The first two speakers, although their presentations weren’t designed to show the difference between IT people and computer scientists, did exctly that. …
ICT 2008, Lyon
I got into the conference in time to hear the words of welcome from the Mayor of Lyon, and the opening panel discussion. The panel was chaired by Viviane Reding, …