After lunch, with wine, it is in France after all, I attended a session called “Visions of Future Computing and Communication Paradigms”. Frustratingly this was not video’d and nor can I find the slides on the USB stick they gave us. So you’ll have to rely on my memory; I didn’t take any notes. The first two speakers, although their presentations weren’t designed to show the difference between IT people and computer scientists, did exctly that. Prof. John McCaskill, of BioMIP, the Biomolecular Information Processing Research Group presented on ‘Constructive IT’, which as far as I can tell starts from chemistry and is looking at new ways of building computers…beyond Silicon. I have to ask what sort of timescales they expect to do anything substantial. The need to change programming models because of large scale multi-threading is one thing, the abolition of silicon is quite another. This stuff just amazed me. He was followed by Micheal Wolf, who illustrated the insights that quantum physics offer to mainly software design. He was followed by Illka Tuomi also at Wikipedia, who presented on “Intellectual Property Processing After the End of Semiconductor Scaling”, and his slides are available on his personal web page at He illustrates some interesting changes in system design after the end of Semiconductor scaling. The session was brought to end by Wendy Hall, who illustrated the holistic nature of ICT futures arguing for a ‘Web Science’ approach borrowing from many separate disciplines to build an understanding of the technical and social networks that are being built today.
Originally posted on my sun/oracle blog, reposted here in July 2016.