On the 12th November, the Labour Party used one of its opposition days, to debate the so-called Bedroom Tax, which reduces the amount of Housing Benefit paid to council house tenants deemed to be under occupying their homes. It was generally reported that the Labour Party won the debate, although not the vote. As I finished my article on Rachel Reeves’ interview on being tougher than the Tories, I decided to watch the debate on Parliament TV, hoping that in the light of the Labour Party’s unequivocal commitment to repeal this measure, she could reshape the the debate on welfare and establish a position of compassion. …
Note on the Bedroom Tax
On top of the reduction of Housing Benefit, a reform that will cause massive hardship to tenants, many of whom are in full time work, the Government proposes to reduce the benefit even more for those deemed to be over-occupying their property. Left Foot Forward lists 5 things David Cameron doesn’t want you to know about the Bedroom Tax. …