I travelled over to Brussels for a meeting of the NESSI steering committee, to which I have just been appointed; its one of the EU’s NGOs in the IT industry, representing major IT vendors, which advises the commission on its ICT R&D budget. Its a long time since I have been in Brussels,and with these ninja trips, its hard to get to know the town. I’m a bit fed up my rough guide didn’t turn up on time, but it won’t be the last time I’m here so I have next time to look forward to.

I visited the Sun offices at Rondpoint Robert Shuman, which is opposite the EU Commission building aka the Berlaymont Centre but I was too busy to take any photographs with my camera, which I had managed to remember to bring, and the picture I took with the phone was so poor I have deleted it. Its undergoing a re-furb, (the building not my cameras), and is not looking its best at the moment.

I  looked for a suitable picture to decorate the post, but most on flickr were all rights reserved, which made me think that since mine are usually more permissive it’s why Scmapp have been using mine.


Originally posted on my sun/oracle blog, and reposted in July 2016.


We’re all in Europe now!
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