This is the motion that Lewisham Deptford CLP decided to send to Conference. I wish it well. For the words of the motion see beow/overleaf …

Social Care and Support 

England’s social care system is broken. Local Authorities face £700m cuts in 2018-19. With £7 billion slashed since 2010, 26% fewer older people receive support, while demand grows.

Most care is privatised, doesn’t reflect users’ needs and wishes, whilst charges increase.

Consequences include isolation, indignity maltreatment. Disabled and elderly people face barriers to inclusion and independent living, thousands feel neglected. 8 million unpaid, overworked family carers, including children and elderly relatives, provide vital support.

Public money goes to shareholders and hedge funds as profits. Service users and families face instability as companies go bust.

Staff wages, training and conditions are slashed. Staff turnover is over 30%.

Conference demands Labour legislates a duty on the SoS to provide a universal system of social care and support based on a universal right to independent living:

  • Free at the point of use
  • Fully funded through progressive taxation
  • Subject to national standards based on article 19 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities addressing the aspirations and choices of all users.
  • Publicly, democratically run services, designed and delivered locally, co-productively involving local authorities, the NHS and service users, disabled people and carers
  • Providing staff with nationally agreed training, qualifications, career structure, pay and conditions.
  • Giving informal carers the rights and the support they need.

Labour to establish a taskforce involving user and carers organisations, trade unions, pensioners and disabled people’s organisations to develop proposals for a national independent living support service, available to all on the basis of need.

Labour and policy on social care
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