Earlier this week, Theresa May’s Government lost three votes in the House of Commons on Brexit. It was held in contempt for withholding its legal advice on the Brexit Treaty. A couple of hours later, the House voted to ensure it would have a further say if it rejected the Government’s Brexit Deal.

This changes things in Parliament and has created a maelstrom in Westminster and on social media. For more see below/overleaf …

I have thought since July 2016, that Brexit must be negotiated in good faith by people who want to leave but then the people[1] should be asked if the deal was what they wanted and still want.

At Labour’s Conference in Liverpool earlier this year, the Party voted to oppose a Tory Brexit, recognizing that it failed to meet the six tests; the Party resolved to attempt to bring down the Government and force a General Election and should this not happen that all options including a public vote would be considered. This composite was based on primarily two views but it can’t be seriously suggested that rump New Labour could have got over 100 motions to Labour Conference. Also the supposed suggestion that wanting a general election is somehow in opposition to a second mandate is childish. Labour’s position is clear, if May is defeated, we want a general election, if we can’t get that, then all options including a 2nd referendum are to be considered.

It should be considered that this is a development of Labour’s policy, first stated at Conference 16, which is should the terms be unsatisfactory, Labour will campaign to remain.

It’s important that all wings of Labour hold their nerve, the Lexiter’s may get their chance to define exit terms, but our short terms goals are clear. They should note that some of us have been biting our lips and holding our nerve. It’s your turn.

  • Vote down May’s deal!
  • Vote down the Government!

Maybe Corbyn can “do a Wilson”, renegotiate the Tories terms and then put them to the people; that’s what happened in the seventies, but more and more Cameron’s deal is seeming more and more attractive, but if we stay we need to build alliances in Europe to reform the EU.

Now is not the time for freelancing, whether in the PLP, Union Leaderships or in Party in the country.


[1] Including EU citizens resident in the UK, and UK Citizens abroad who have lost their votes through absence.

Brexit, the end parliamentary end-game
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