Friends rewarded for innovating

Fantastic News! Company-I, one of Sun’s long term partner organisations has just won the CBI’s “Innovator of the Year” award. So congratulations to Mark Pennycook & all his team that have built the company to the point it can win this major prize. The prize for the Innovator is given for, going to extreme lengths to create a “buzz” in the workplace, radically reconfiguring their internal processes, having a track record of improvement and innovation and embracing modern practices. …

Viva Las Vegas

Viva Las Vegas

I have now returned from Las Vegas. What an amazing place! I stayed at the Mirage, one of the huge hotel/casinos on the strip. Words fail me! They’ve even got slot machines embedded into the bars, fortunately not at the restaurant tables though. In the slideshow there is a picture of the arcade into the Bellagio, for those who like me have declining eye-site, the two shops are Chanel & Tiffany & Co., which sort of sums up the strip. The Mirage has a caged white tiger (endangered species?) and dolphins in the swimming pool. Not good to my mind.  😡 …

A taxi ride in Las Vegas

The drive from Las Vegas airport to the casino hotels is not very long, but further than I’d want to walk carrying my luggage. I took a taxi and was entertained by the driver who also took two elderly canadians to the hotels as well. We discussed Bush’s imminent invasion of Canada 🙄 , the War of 1812-14 where he concluded that the UK is best off that Bush & the neo-cons don’t know their Napoleonic history, Greece, Germany, UK – Las Vegas direct flights, and the Sun stock price. Truly not a range of subjects I expect a taxi driver to want to talk about but I’ve been poorly trained in London – At least he’ll be able to say to you all, I had that Dave Levy in the back of my cab.   😎 …

More soon to be ex-colleagues

Dave Jones ,one of Sun’s Client Solutions CTOs and occasional blogger, was over last week and we hooked up and went to a works party. It was thrown by a bunch of the volunteers for our UK redundancy programme which you may have read about in “The Register”, here… . It was surprisingly enjoyable. The company i.e. at the party just shows that sometimes management lose track of what they’re trying to do  …

Back from My Holidays

I’ve been away to Greece over the last week, I got back over the weekend but I’ve been too busy to write a blog article. We visited Stoupa in the Southern Peloponnese and travelled with Greek Options, who we’ve used three times now and have always looked after us. Sadly we were only there for a week and therefore didn’t leave Stoupa to visit any of the fantastically old sites in travelling distance. We’ll have to go back. …

Dominic Kay

On the Sun/oracle blog, a couple of days ago, I noted my friend & colleague Dominc Kay’s first blog article. Today, on the same site, he wrote a very generous reference and associated me with some of the most powerful intellects working at Sun. Thanks Dom. …

End of an Era

As the Easter holiday began, I picked the post of the floor and discovered three polling cards. Three!!. Goodness – they’re letting my elder son vote this year. I haven’t quite rushed to the photo albums to look at the pictures of him as a baby, but somehow, today, eighteen years seems to have flown like lightening. He can vote, kill & die for his country. (Don’t think he can stand as an MP though.) …