Michael Chessum charts Labours to & fro-ing on Brexit, the article is entitled, “How Labour Screwed Up On Brexit”” and comes to the conclusion that
- Corbyn himself is not a Lexiter
- its opportunism and not Lexitism that has led us to where we are
- the priority unlike on everything else has been electoralism
- the opportunism of rump New Labour and the issue’s weaponisation by Labour First brings out the worst in Corbyn’s supporters in terms of a siege mentality
He makes the point that changing our policy immediately after the European elections doesn’t have the scent of principle.
His criticism that Labour needs to listen to its members and voters, refresh its democracy and put principles first certainly speak to me.
One of the good things in this article is his capture of the history of the policy and its advocates over the last three years.
Chessum on Labour’s Brexit Policy